If you are a mom and you’re reading this post, I want you to stop and consider something:
When was the last time you had a professional photo taken with your kids?
Not a selfie. An actual shoot where you actually did you hair and your kids don’t have applesauce on their face and you look like you genuinely love each other, not like someone caught you stealing cookies from the cookie jar.
Chances are it’s been a while.
When was the last time you paid money for them to get a picture with Santa? Or the Easter bunny? Or a bunch of random props?
Let me make this clear in case the thought has slipped your mind:
You are more important than any prop or cake smash session.
The relationship between you and your kids is something that is WORTH capturing and the chances to do so are few and far between.
I get it. You may want those shots, but it’s the time and the money — there’s too little of both!
But here’s another truth: you kiddo is growing up and soon, there will be less and less of him/her hanging around, too. The world is full of things that fade, but capturing the seasons of life, the moments we’re able to laugh together– that is something that will bring joy for decades and generations to come.
Moms have a tendency to step aside because they’re not happy with their looks or it’s more important to capture everyone else in the family. But I don’t think I have to spell out the message that sends.
Now that I’m a mother myself, I feel a new compassion for this role and believe so strongly in capturing the joy that comes from the connection with our kids. I believe that on days when you didn’t have time to shower and there’s groceries to buy and clothes to fold and calls to make and work to finish and so.many.diapers to change…moms need to see those pictures on the wall of sweet eskimo kisses and big bear hugs and remember the WHY behind it all.
I believe that kids need to see their mom feeling and looking beautiful! They need to see their moms hugging and loving on them so even when there’s a mound of homework and they got kicked off the lunch table or didn’t make the soccer team– there’s a constant reminder on display that they are valued– that they have been loved in the past and they will be in the future, no matter what.